TM 11-6130-429-40
(b) Remove hex nut, lockwasher, flatwasher,
and second mica insulating washer through solder
and defective switch.
(c) Install replacement switch, flatwasher,
(i) Install flatwasher and hex nut and finger
lockwasher and hex nut.
(d) Aline switch in position and tighten hex
(k) Aline diode to original position; tighten
and torque to 25 inch-pounds.
(e) Solder all leads to replacement switch.
(6) Transistors Q1 through Q6.
staking to hex nut.
(a) Slide sleeving up base and emitter wires,
tag wires, and unsolder.
d. Disassembly of Baseplate.
(c) Holding transistor in place, remove two
Baseplate removal is NOT required for re-
screws and one flatwasher.
placement of components.
(d) Carefully remove Q assembly.
(1) Capacitors C1 and C2.
When removing insulator shield, be care-
(b) Install replacement part in proper position
ful not to break wire connection.
and solder.
(e) Carefully remove rubber insulating washer,
(2) Capacitors C4 and C5.
insulator shield, and rubber insulating washer from
(a) Loosen screw, lockwasher, and nut of defec-
tive capacitor.
(f) Inspect rubber insulating washers for holes
(b) Remove four screws, lockwashers and
or cracks. If they are good, save for reassembly.
(g) Aline and install replacement transistor
(c) Move aside bus and remove defective ca-
into rubber insulating washer, insulator shield, and
rubber insulating washer.
Positive (+) terminals of C4 and C5 must
Although not removed, solder lug, two in-
be connected with + bus.
sulating shoulder washers, and two small
(d) Install replacement capacitor with positive
insulating washers must be in position be-
(+) terminal to + bus.
fore replacement transistor is installed.
(e) Aline bus over capacitor.
(f) Install four flatwashers, lockwashers,
(h) Ensure that solder lug, two insulating
screws and tighten.
shoulder washers, and two small insulating washers
(g) Tighten nut, lockwasher, and screw.
are in position.
(3) Diode CR1.
(i) Install Q assembly on heatsink and hold in
(a) Unsolder connection from diode lead.
(b) Remove hex nut, flatwasher, mica insulat-
(j) Install one flatwasher and two screws.
ing washer, and nylon washer.
(c) Remove defective CR1; allow mica insulat-
and torque to 9 inch-pounds.
ing washer and solder lug to drop.
(7) Diodes CR6 through CR11.
(d) Inspect mica insulating washers for holes
or cracks. If they are good, save for reassembly.
(b) Remove hex nut and flatwasher.
(e) Make sure that mica insulating washers
(c) Pull solder lug slightly away from heatsink.
have a small amount of thermal compound applied
(d) Slowly remove defective diode and allow
evenly to both sides.
mica insulating washer to drop out.
(f) Insert replacement CR1 through solder lug,
(e) Pull solder lug slightly away from heatsink.
mica insulating washer and bracket.
(f) Continue to remove defective diode and al-
(g) Install nylon washer, mica insulating
low nylon insulator and mica insulating washer to
washer, flatwasher, hex nut and finger tighten.
drop out.
(h) Aline diode and solder lug to original posi-
tion; tighten and torque hex nut to 25 inch-pounds.
(h) Inspect mica insulating washers; make
(i) Solder connection to diode lead.
sure they have a small amount of thermal compound
(4) Inductor L1.
applied evenly to both sides.
(a) Tag and unsolder leads from defective L1.
(i) Insert replacement diode through solder
lug, install mica insulating washer, nylon insulator
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