TM 11-6130-429-40
in effect, reverses the charge on capacitor C3. The
(1) Power transformers T1 and T2 each have two
result is that the switching losses previously dissi-
secondaries and each secondary incorporates its own
pated in the switching transistors are harmlessly
rectifier (CR6 through CR9). Since the transformers
recycled in the commutation network with a corres-
are 180 out of phase, the output from the rectified
ponding improvement in efficiency and reduction in
transformer output is a 40 kHz rectangular wave-
transistor heating. The same process is repeated dur-
form approximately 7V in magnitude. Current shar-
ing the alternate half cycle by the equivalent compo-
ing through the rectifier is provided by the separate
nents associated with transformer T2.
secondaries and by the natural drop in power wiring.
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