TM 11-6125-259-30
Table-3-2. Troubleshooting Data
Inverter input terminals pins A and C of
Transistor Q206, Q207, Q208, Q306,
J1 shorted
Replace defective component, or defective
Q307, Q308, Q200 through Q205 and
A2 (A3 module)
Q300 through Q305; diode CR200
through CR205 and CR3OO through
CR305 shorted.
Replace defective component, or defective
Inverter will not turn on (no output
Transistor Q500 through Q505, Q605;
A5/A6 module,
diode CR510 through CR519, integrated
circuit Z608 defective.
Inverter draws excessive input current.
Capacitor C400, C401A and/or C401B
Replace defective A4 module.
No output voltage regulation at no-load.
Diode CR206, CR207, CR306 and CR307
Replace defective component, or defective
A2/A3/A7 modules.
open; Transistor Q206, Q207, Q208, Q306,
Q307, Q308, Q700 and Q701 open; in-
tegrated circuit Z700, Z702 and Z703
Check set-in test calibration for potentio-
Poor output voltage regulation at full
Replace defective component, or defective
meters R732 and R742; diodes CR520
A7/A5 module.
through CR523; integrated circuit Z703
Transistor Q600, Q601, Q602 and Q603;
Output frequency drifts with input
Replace defective component, or defective
diode CR600 and CR601 defective.
A6 module.
voltage change.
Check set-in-test calibration for resistors
Output frequency out-of-tolerance.
Replace defective component, or defective
A6 module.
R607 and R608; integrated circuit Z600
Replace defective A5 module.
Capacitor C500 and C505, or C501 and
High distortion for any one of the three
C504 or C502 and C503; Choke L500,
L501 and L502 defective.
RepIace defective component, or defective
Transistor Q200 through Q205, Q300
High distortion for all three phases.
A2/A3/A4/A6 module.
through Q305, Q400 through Q411; in-
tegrated circuit Z603, Z607 through Z611
Low efficiency.
Replace defective component, or defective
Transistor Q200 through Q205, Q300
A2/A3/A4 module.
through Q305, Q400 through Q411
Replace defective component, or defective
Insufficient overload capacity.
Diodes CR200 through CR205, CR300
A2/A3 module.
through CR305 defective.
b. Remove top cover (1) by removing 34 screws (3)
3-9. (Complete Disassembly of Inverter
and 34 flat washers (2).
Perform only as much of this procedure as necessary
c. Remove rear cover (9) by removing three
to remove or test the suspected defective assembly
screws (3) and three washers (2); and removing four
or component. Be sure no power is applied to in-
screws (3), four lockwashers (7) and four flat washers
verter during disassembly.
d. Remove Al module (33) by removing three
Use normal shop practice of unsoldering
screws (3) and three flat washers (2); and removing
(or unscrewing wire terminal) and tagging
four screws (32), four lockwashers (7) and four flat
(identifying) all interconnecting wires
washers (2).
that must be detached to disassemble
e. Remove A5 module (34) by removing two
inverter. During assembly the tagged
screws (32), two lockwashers (7) and two flat
information will enable wires to be
washers (2); and removing two screws (8), two
soldered back in place or the wire ter-
lockwashers (7), two flat washers (2) and two cable
minal to be screwed back into proper
clamps (4 and 6).
f. Remove A4 module (5) by removing four screws
a. Remove bottom cover (14, fig. 3-21) by
(8), four lockwashers (7), four flat washers (2) and
four cable clamps (4 and 6).
removing six screws (19).
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