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TM 11-6130-377-14
(5)  Install the screen assembly over the
washer over the other end of the fuse link and bend link
down over washer, replace end cap.
retaining frame and gently push it in place.
(6)  Install the fuse into the holder using the
Ensure the fan blades are clear of the filter.
fuse puller or a suitable tool.
b. Base Subassembly Mounted Air Filter.
(7)  Close the front indicator panel and secure
remove or replace the air filter mounted in the base
the four turn fasteners.
subassembly (fig. 2-1), proceed as follows:
c.  Standard One-Time Fuses. To remove or replace
(1)  Remove four screws and lockwashers
fuse A1F1 proceed as follows:
securing  the  heat  sink  inlet  panel  to  the  base
subassembly and remove the inlet panel.
Position DC circuit breaker to OFF.
(2)  Reach through the opening and pull the air
(2)  Open front indicator panel to gain access to
filter out of its retaining frame.
fuse A1F1, located in the fuse holder mounted on the
underside of the shelf to the left of the heat sink duct (fig.
(3)  Guide cleaned (para 4-14) or replacement
air filter into the retaining frame and push the filter in until
it bottoms on the frame.
(3)  Using a fuse puller or suitable tool remove
the burned out fuse from the fuse holder.
(4)  Install the heat sink inlet panel in position
on  the  base  subassembly  and  secure  with  four
(4)  Install a new fuse into the fuse holder using
lockwashers and screws.
a fuse puller or suitable tool.
4-16. Fuse Replacement (1973 Model Only)
(5)  Close the front indicator panel and secure
the four turn fasteners.
4-17. Indicator Lamp Replacement
If replacement fuse burns out,
do not
insert  another  fuse,  notify
To remove and replace a burned out DC or AC ON
echelon maintenance.  Never
use a
indicator lamp proceed as follows:
fuse with an amperage rate
a. Position the DC circuit breaker A1CB1 to OFF.
than the equipment calls for.
b. Unscrew the lens cap of the indicator light to gain
a. Fuses. Fuses shall be Bussman (LKN-60, 250V)
access to the burned out lamp.
Fuse Renewal Links or an equivalent (Bussman NON-60
c.  Remove the faulty lamp by pressing in on bulb
Fuse).  Use the appropriate procedure given in b or c
and turning to release bayonet base.
below to remove or replace a fuse.
d. Install a replacement lamp into the light assembly
b. Renewal Link Fuses. To remove or replace the
by pressing in on bulb and turning to engage bayonet
fuse link proceed as follows:
Position DC circuit breaker to OFF.
e. Screw the lens cap on the light assembly finger
(2)  Open the front indicator panel to gain
access to fuse A1F1, located in the fuse holder mounted
f.  Check lamp operation by performing equipment
on the underside of the shelf to the left of the heat sink
starting procedure (para. 3-3).
4-18. Organizational Troubleshooting Chart
(3)  Using a fuse puller or suitable tool remove
the fuse from the fuse holder.
The troubleshooting chart below is provided to aid the
organizational repairmen to localize troubles in the
(4)  Remove both end caps from the fuse body
inverter at organizational levels. To use the chart read
and discard the burned out link.
down the trouble symptom column to locate the abnormal
(5)  Install a replacement link into the fuse body
indication and then perform the corrective measures.
and through the slot in the fixed end. Bend the end of the
fuse link over and replace the end cap. Install the slotted
Trouble symptom
Corrective measures
A blown input fuse A1F1 (1973 model only) ...........................Replace blown fuse (para 4-16).
Notify general support maintenance if replacement fuse blows.
DC ON indicator light does not illuminate ..............................Replace burned out lamp (para 4-17).
AC ON indicator light does not illuminate...............................Replace burned out lamp (para 4-17).
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